Professor Alec Wodtke from the Georg-August University of Göttingen and The Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Germany, will be presenting our Plenary Lecture entitled, “Pump-probe Experiments With Neutral Matter: A New Approach to the Kinetics of Surface Reactions,” on Monday, October 25, 5:30-6:30 p.m.
The Biomaterials Interfaces program kicks off with the now-traditional Biomaterials Plenary Session. This year we are pleased to have presentations from two prominent scientists who will present their cutting edge research on Materials and Biology for the Future of Energy and the Environment. This will be followed by a special extended session on the role that synthetic biology can play in bringing about this future.
BP-SuA: Biomaterials Plenary Session: Materials and Biology for the Future of Energy and the Environment (ALL INVITED SESSION)
- Steven Benner, Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution, “Artificial Biomaterials that Store Information, Evolve, and Adapt”
- Hendrik Dietz, TU Munich, Germany, “Programmable Icosahedral Shell System for Virus Trapping”
- Christine Keating, Penn State University, “Reaction Microenvironments Formed by Bioinspired All-Aqueous Phase Separation”
- Joachim Spatz, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany, “Matter to Life: Assembly of Synthetic Cells”
The Nanoscale Science and Technology Division is proud to start our program with a plenary session featuring a talk by the 2020 Nanotechnology Recognition Award Winner Dr. Robert Wolkow. Following this, we will host the 2021 Graduate Student and Early Career competitions. We will cap off the session with a talk by our 2021 Nanotechnology Recognition Award Winner Prof. Robert Carpick. , Please join us for exciting research from both veteran and rising stars in the division, as well as our reception directly following the talks.
NP-SuA: Nanoscale Science and Technology Plenary Session
- Robert Carpick, University of Pennsylvania, “Seeing the Hidden Interface: Revealing Nanoscale Mechanisms of Contact, Adhesion, and Friction by in situ Experiments”
- Robert Wolkow, University of Alberta and The National Institute for Nanotechnology, Canada, “Atom-Defined Silicon Circuit Elements For Fast, Low Power Computing”
The Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Sessions will take place in the stage area of the exhibit hall during the technical session breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday. These sessions are free and open to all registered AVS67 attendees. This is your opportunity to learn about new products, research techniques and services offered by AVS exhibitors. Each session is followed by a brief Q&A session making it a truly interactive learning experience. After the sessions, you may visit the presenting exhibitors at their booths to further discuss any points that you would like to receive more details on. Come learn how new technology can benefit your research efforts!
- EW-TuB: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session I
- EW-WeB: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session II
AVS 67 will host the first undergraduate poster session, open to any undergraduate researcher. This special session provides undergraduate researchers the opportunity to present and network with students, professors, and industry leaders! We welcome the newest members of AVS to share their important work with all society members and greatly encourage participation! Registration is discounted for undergraduate students and limited travel assistance may be available.
- UN-ThP: Undergraduate Poster Session
The Exhibit comprises an extensive display of tools, equipment and services for Surface Science; Biomaterial Interfaces; Electronic Materials & Photonics; Magnetic Interfaces; Manufacturing Science; MEMS/NEMS; Nanoscience; Thin Film; Plasma Science; Vacuum Technology, educational material, career services and professional literature, journals and publications. Each year, the technical symposium expands into new and exciting technical disciplines which bring new exhibitors showing new technology and research methods. The continuously expanding technical program consistently keeps our Symposium fresh and exciting for exhibitors and attendees alike. The exhibits will be open from Tuesday morning until Thursday afternoon (October 26-28, 2021). Please contact exhibits@avs.org for additional information. You may also review our website www.avs.org.
We will be inviting all Symposium presenters to submit their PowerPoint slides as a PDF for inclusion in the AVS Technical Library. All presenters will be contacted prior to the meeting with the instructions and deadlines. We hope you will consider participating in this exciting program!
There will be opportunities for presentation of post-deadline discoveries in all fields relevant to the AVS membership. Submissions that address topics in surfaces, interfaces, films, nanometer-scale phenomena, emerging technologies, or new innovations. Abstracts will be solicited starting in mid-July for either (1) an individual 20-minute oral presentation, or (2) a poster presentation. Late-Breaking Abstracts will be used to fill holes in the program and they must be submitted via the AVS website by Thursday, August 23, 2021. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be made soon thereafter. Please review the AVS 67 website for details and submission guidelines in mid-July.
The AVS Career Center will be hosted inside the Exhibit Hall, Booth #1001. Whether you are looking to hire or be hired this is the place to be. Employers – Register for a Recruiting table top or submit job postings, review résumés and conduct interviews all in one location. Job Seekers – Submit or bring your résumé/CV, review job boards, meet recruiters and hopefully have a few IN PERSON interviews while attending AVS 67! For more information Click Here!
The AVS National Short Course program will be held separately, and virtually, September 14-23, 2021, not in conjunction with AVS 67. There will be seven (7) AVS Short Courses that offer specialized training in specific areas of vacuum science and related technologies. All courses will run 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST via the Zoom platform. For more details and to register Click Here!
AVS is a not-for-profit Society that offers a myriad of services, programs and events related to science and technology in the fields of vacuum, materials, interfaces and processing to scientists and engineers from around the world. An extensive recognition and exposure program, which is active before and during the Symposium, is available to our Symposium Sponsors. As a Symposium Sponsor, your logo will appear on the AVS website, in the Technical/Exhibitor Program, on signage and slide shows at the Symposium. The earlier you commit to AVS Symposium Sponsorship, the greater exposure you will receive. To learn more about Sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jeannette DeGennaro at 212-248-0200 ext. 229 or jeannette@avs.org or Yvonne Towse at 212-248-0200 ext. 222 or yvonne@avs.org.