The AVS 67 program will feature for the second time, the Atomic Scale Processing Focus Topic. This focus topic will provide a unique forum to expand the scope of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) processes towards understanding the fundamentals needed to achieve true atomic scale precision. The emphasis will be on synergistic efforts, across multiple AVS divisions and groups, to generate area selective processes as well as novel characterization methods to advance the field of processing at the atomic scale. The Focus Topic begins on Monday morning with a session on Area Selective Processing and the Integration of Deposition and Etching for Advanced Material Processing, highlighting invited talks from Prof. Christophe Vallée from SUNY Poly / CEA-LETI, Prof. John Ekhert from UT-Austin, Dr. Rudy Wojtecki from IBM and Dr. Gert Leusik from TEL TTCA. The program continues on Tuesday morning with a session on Advancing Metrology and Characterization to enable Atomic Scale Processing featuring multiple invited talks from Dr. Harm Knoops, Oxford Instruments, Dr. Sung Park, Molecular Vista, Dr. Alex Martinson, Argonne National Laboratory, and Prof. Kees Hagen, Delft University. The program then continues on both Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning with sessions on Beam Studies/Surface Reaction Analysis and Emerging Applications of Atomic Scale Processing and Thermal Atomic Layer Etching, respectively as well as the poster session on Tuesday. In addition, there will be on-demand presentations for those unable to travel due to the global pandemic and other numerous sessions on ALD and ALE featured throughout the week in sessions led by the Thin Films Division, the Plasma Science and Technology Division, the Electronic Materials and Photonics Division and the Manufacturing Science and Technology Group.
AP+2D+HI+MN+MS+PS+SS+TF-TuA: Beam Studies/Surface Reaction Analysis and Emerging Applications of Atomic Scale Processing
- Howard Fairbrother, Department of Chemistry, “Charged Particle Deposition of Nanostructures and Thin Films: A Surface Science Perspective”
- Thomas Grehl, IONTOF GmbH, Germany, “The Thinner, The Better – Characterization of Ultra-thin Films by Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS)”
- Noriaki Toyoda, University of Hyogo, Japan, “Atomic Layer Processing Using Low-Energy Cluster Beam Irradiation”
AP+EL+MS+NS+SS+TF-TuM: Advancing Metrology and Characterization to Enable Atomic Scale Processing
- Cornelis W. Hagen, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, “Nano-Prototyping”
- Harm Knoops, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, Netherlands, “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Atomic Scale Processing”
- Alex Martinson, Argonne National Laboratory, “In-situ Characterization of the Earliest Stages of Selective ALD Growth and Inhibition”
- Sung Park, Molecular Vista, “Nanoscale Chemical Analysis and Mapping of Atomic Scale Processes via Photo-Induced Force Microscopy”
AP+PS+TF-WeM: Thermal Atomic Layer Etching
- Andreas Fischer, Lam Research Corporation, “Thermal Atomic Layer Etching – An Emerging and Enabling Etching Technology”
AP+2D+EM+MN+PS+TF-MoM: Area Selective Processing and the Integration of Deposition and Etching for Advanced Material Processing
- John Ekerdt, University of Texas at Austin, “Area-selective Atomic Layer Deposition of Palladium and Atomic Layer Etching of Palladium”
- Gert J. Leusink, TEL Technology Center, America, LLC, “Challenges and Opportunities of Atomic Layer Processes for Selective Patterning Solutions”
- Christophe Vallée, SUNY POLY, Albany, “Strategies for a Selective Deposition Process Combining Deposition and Etching Steps in a Unique Tool”
- Rudy Wojtecki, International Business Machines (IBM) – Almaden Research Center, “The Development of Atomic Layer Processes for Scaling & Future Device Architectures”
AP-On Demand: Atomic Scale Processing On Demand Session
AP-TuP: Atomic Scale Processing Poster Session